10 reasons to try a different kind of iOS task management app

February 28, 2019

There are many to-do list and task management apps for the iPhone and iPad. It can take time to find the right one for you. If you are looking for an app which offers a powerful approach to task management you should check out beorg. Here are ten reasons why it might be the app you are looking for:

  1. Choose where to sync your data - iCloud, Dropbox, Box or WebDAV. WebDAV allows you to use your own web server if you prefer not to use third party cloud services.
  2. Organise your tasks and projects into different files - keep areas of your life separate.
  3. beorg files are outlines - arrange subtasks into hierarchies as complex as your needs.
  4. Assign multiple dates to tasks - for scheduling, deadlines and reminders in your agenda.
  5. Tasks aren’t just todo or done - create multiple todo and done states. For example use IN-PROGRESS to show a task has been started and WAITING when a task is blocked.
  6. Weekly agenda and todo list views - both of which offer custom filters. Save agenda and todo list searches for quick access to common views.
  7. Export outlines to PDF or for printing - a simple text formatting syntax is used to write documents in beorg.
  8. Free download - with a small number of features available as one off in-app purchases (dark mode, Box sync, saves searches and - coming soon - templates)
  9. Future proof plain text - you can open beorg files in any text editor.
  10. File format is based on Org mode - understood by many other apps. Emacs on macOS/Windows/Linux, Orgzly on Android and most text editors (Atom, ViM, Visual Studio Code, …)

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